Sep 24, 2011

Today's Art festival

23-24日でToday's Art festivalを見てきました。23日にHiroaki Umedaのperformanceを見たかったのに席がいっぱいで見る事ができませんでした。残念。。でもMurcof & Simon Geilfusのmusic performance を見る事ができました。迫力のあるperformanceでとてもよかったです。

そしてReynold Reynolds。ぐっときました。

Sep 5, 2011

ARS-Electronica 2011, linz

Elements that are common in my favorite works of the Ars Electronica 2011 are both simplicity and the element of surprising. I was also very attracted to live-performances and sound installations.

     My favorite works:
          - Most of the installations at the OK-building
          - A wooden house / box that answers your knocking
          - "100.000 m³ Bewegte Luft" (sound installation) in the Mariendom
          - "The Forty Part Motet" (sound installation) in the OK-church
          - "Particles" in the Ars Electronica Center
          - Several works of students from Tsukuba University

     My least favorite work:
          - "My eyes… My ears…"